Our Foundress

Hello! My name is Christina Mullis, and I’m the Wilderness World Consignment Club founder. My love for the outdoors began in childhood. I was raised in Clermont County, OH, in a little town called Nicholsville (between New Richmond and Bethel). It was paradise. I’d spend my days wandering the woods, pretending to play various characters who lived outdoors. I was an active Girl Scout who learned how to camp without the conveniences of flushing toilets (yes, I’ve dug and used catholes).

As a teenager, the woods behind my house were my respite when I was moody or needed to “get away.” Nature has always been my best medicine.

My desire is for people to get outdoors in a sustainable manner. Outdoor recreational gear is pricey and can be a barrier for many. Additionally, we need to care for our earth by reusing and sharing our materials. That’s why I started Wilderness World.

My Rocks

I’ve been blessed with a husband who is always up for whatever crazy adventure I concoct. Over 25 years of marriage has taken us to nearly all 50 states, a couple of countries, and countless backroads.

When our son came along, we always made sure he was exposed to the outdoors and hiking. Now he’s in the National Guard and does very well in his Land Nav exercises (I’d like to think we helped prep him for this).

We are planning one of our most adventurous trips yet! For a few weeks in 2024, we will rent a sprinter van and explore Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and the Dakotas. I have a few camping spots planned by a river, because I need to be able to say once that “I live in a van down by the river.”

  • Our mission is to provide outdoor experiences for all by offering high-quality pre-owned recreational gear and clothing at affordable prices, providing side income for consignors, and preserving the planet’s resources by giving gear an extended life.

  • Community: There’s no greater feeling than the smile of a fellow hiker or swapping outdoor adventure stories with complete strangers where the bond of the adventure instantly connects you. Building community with consignors and customers is why we do what we do.

    Affordable Outdoor Fun: We offer top-notch pre-owned recreational gear and clothing at prices that won't break the bank. Because we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors without worrying about the cost.

    Sustainable Adventure: Every time you choose quality used gear, you're giving it a new life and reducing the need for new production, which means less strain on our precious resources.

    Ethical Business Practices: Our faith guides our principle to treat others as we want to be treated. We strive to always be honest, transparent, and fair. And we expect those who choose to connect with us to do the same.

  • We envision a future where we can expand our business model to a permanent location (or locations) while still offering shopping convenience online. Our goal is to be more than a place to buy pre-owned gear. We hope to inspire and encourage sustainable outdoor adventures, whether it’s through group classes, hikes, or independent travels.

  • John Muir’s writings inspired the name “Wildnerness World.” Muir, known as the “father of National Parks,” has inspired us for as long as we’ve known about National Parks. But, the more we’ve learned about Muir, the better stewards of the natural world we want to be. And, we love that he was Scottish! But seriously, one can argue that Muir’s passion for the outdoors, writings, and studies preserved much of the natural beauty in the United States that we enjoy today.

  • Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ focuses on the need to care for our environment and raises awareness of the many ways we are destroying our planet. To read the encyclical click here. Additionally, YouTube produced an original film titled “The Letter: Laudato Si’ Film.”

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir.